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  Jarvis C. E. The Linnaean plant name typification project // Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 1992. Vol. 109, ¹ 4. P. 503-513.


                           Jarvis C. E. Order out of chaos: Linnean plant names and their types. London: Linnean soc. of  London in ass. with the Natural history museum, London, 2007. 1017 p.


                        *Sytin A. K. The russian plants described by Carolus Linnaeus // “Ungeduld und Verzweiflung” : Georg Wilhelm Steller (1709-1746) und die Erforschung von Sibirien und Alaska. Halle, 1996. S 77.


Jarvis C. E. The Linnaean plant name typification project // Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 1992. Vol. 109, ¹ 4. P. 503-513.


   A list of Linnaean generic names  and their types / Comp. by  C. E. Jarvis, F. R. Barrie, D. M. Allan, J. L. Reveal on behalf of the Spec. comm. on lectotypification, Subcomm. on the lectotypification of Linnaean generic names. –  Königstein : Koeltz sci. books for the Intern. assoc. for plant taxonomy, 1993. – 100 c. – (Regnum vegetabile… ; Vol. 127).